Amogh Tiwari

M.S. (by Research) at CVIT, IIIT Hyderabad.


Hello! I am a dual degree (B.Tech and M.S. by research, in Computer Science) student, associated with the Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) at IIIT Hyderabad. Here, I work with Prof. Avinash Sharma on 3D Computer Vision. My research work deals with building an understanding of humans in 3D from images/videos.

I am strongly motivated by a desire to help others and I hope to make some positive contributions to the world through my research. Other than research, I am passionate about sports, and most of my free time is spent in running or playing basketball.


Aug 31, 2023 Preprint available for our work on Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose, Shape & Motion Estimation.
Jun 30, 2023 Our team was awarded the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) for our proposal titled “Towards Physics-inspired Template-free 4D Clothed Human Digitization from RGB Video(s)”.
Apr 8, 2023 Our work ConVol-E: Continuous Volumetric Embeddings for Human-Centric Dense Correspondence Estimation has been accepted to the Image Matching Workshop at the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPRw).
Jan 17, 2023 Our work Ground then navigate: Language-guided navigation in dynamic scenes has been accepted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automoation (ICRA).
Feb 14, 2022 Secured first position in Geo-Innovation Challenge (2022) organized by Multidisciplinary Center for Geoinformatics, Delhi Technological University. [Solution].

Selected Publications

  1. 2023_preprint_resized.png
    Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Context for Temporally Consistent Robust 3D Human Motion Recovery from Monocular Videos
    Sushovan Chanda, Lokender Tiwari, Amogh Tiwari, and 3 more authors
    Under Submission, 2023
  2. 2023_cvprw_resized.png
    ConVol-E: Continuous Volumetric Embeddings for Human-Centric Dense Correspondence Estimation
    Amogh Tiwari, Pranav Manu, Nakul Rathore, and 2 more authors
    In Image Matching Workshop at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPRw), 2023